Seeing Clearly: Security Detection Insights and Trends

The Benefits of a Rotating Gantry in CT EDS Systems

[fa icon="calendar"] Aug 29, 2016 11:02:11 AM / by Samit Basu

As customers evaluate upgrading their current explosives detection systems (EDS) to computed tomography (CT) technology, I often get asked to explain the differences between fixed versus rotating data acquisition CT EDS system (also referred to as fixed or rotating gantry).

Our own data, pulled from having more than 2,000 deployed CT EDS systems worldwide, suggests that the reliability of a well-designed X-ray system is actually independent of the gantry system moving or not. But to help ensure the best purchase decisions are being made, I encourage you to watch this short video featuring Cameron Ritchie, Smiths Detection’s Vice President, Engineering and Product Development & CIO and myself.

Topics: Airport Security Services, Future Security Technology, ECAC Standard 3

Samit Basu
Written by Samit Basu [fa icon="linkedin-square"]Linkedin

Samit Basu is our Chief Technology Officer. A research engineer with over seventy patents, twelve journal publications and fifteen conference publications, he holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois.