Morpho Detection | Seeing Clearly Blog

Expert Insights: The Importance of Preventive Maintenance

Written by Matt Regan | Aug 8, 2017 8:00:00 AM

With airport traffic continuing to grow, our service teams are focused on creating a new reality that use predictive and preventive maintenance to keep explosives detection systems (EDS) equipment proactively maintained, promptly serviced, and operating in peak condition.

Our goal is not to simply find a better way to perform service; our goal is to be constantly seeking service improvements. A continuous cycle of learning and reducing inefficiencies. It starts with a philosophy that a rapidly changing service environment requires a highly agile and adaptable team of technicians. Having an open mind and a positive attitude is the foundation for this approach. Great field service engineers (FSEs) never say “That’s impossible.” They say: “I’ve never seen that before, but let’s take a closer look.” It is this idea of getting better every day, in large ways and small ways, that separates our service teams from the competition.

In this new environment, preventive maintenance matters. And airport screening teams can transform the vicious circle of fixing equipment after it breaks into a virtuous new reality—where proactive maintenance and the reliance on diagnostic and analytics tools helps to predict and avoid potential equipment failures and unplanned downtime.

We’ve compiled some of the best insights from our field service engineers (FSEs) and technicians (FSTs) into one quick guide to help you build a strong preventive maintenance practice in your airport.

Specifically, our insider’s guide can help you understand the following:

  • How to turn a vicious break/fix circle into a virtuous new reality of proactive upkeep
  • How remote monitoring and data analytics will redefine equipment service
  • The essential qualities of a great Field Service Engineer or Technician
  • Why it’s important to include a range of training options to match your teams’ unique learning styles.

 - Insights from an FSE: The Importance of Preventive Maintenance.